Uncategorized December 11, 2021

Thinking of Selling Your Home? Here’s a quick tip…

Do you have a clutter corner in your house? That spot where things pile up and you get so used to seeing the mess that after a while, you don’t even see it anymore?

For me, it’s a corner of the kitchen where mail, crafts, homework, ponytail holders, and pens get piled up. Even when I clean the rest of the kitchen, I tend to overlook that spot. Until we are expecting company. And then I see it. Cue panicked cleaning mode!

Here’s how you can use your phone to spy all the things you haven’t seen in a while: open up your camera app and take a little walk through your house. You’ll be amazed at all of the little spots of clutter that appear! Make a goal to unclutter one room a day and before you know it, the camera will reveal clear, open spaces.